(June 19/05)

It has been a very exciting few days for me. No, a rare bird didn't land in my yard, but something else did - some advance copies of my BOOK! I was nervous with anticipation when I opened the box, but I didn't have to be. Let's just say I'm mildly ecstatic with the quality, and I am proud to be able share it with all those who have ordered it. My bulk shipment is scheduled for June 23 after which I'll start filling orders. Instead of selling my advance copies to start paying my printing bill, I donated a free copy to each of the schools in my district. The weather hasn't been kind to photographers lately, but that gave me time to do some P.R. and marketing. However, I did take advantage of the sun this afternoon for a little photography. I didn't get anything new, but I like the photos I took.

TREES AGAIN - Things seem to happen in bunches. I know I had Tree Swallows not too long ago, but what you see is what you get. I found these at San Malo

WHERE"S THE FOOD? Little Tree Swallow was getting impatient. It thinks the squeaky bird gets the first meal.

LITTLE WRENS - I could never get close to the House Wren parents at River's Edge, but the juveniles were a little friendlier.

ENJOYING THE SUN - This little guy actually closed its eyes and had a little nap in the sun.

ENJOYING THE GRASS - It isn't niger seed, but it still tastes pretty good.

ROOSTING SPOT - The dead alder at Rascal Lane is popular roosting spot for birds. The Cedar Waxwings were enjoying the variety of flying insects over the pond.

BEAUTIFUL COLOURS - I never get tired of seeing the beautiful colours on the Cedar Waxwing.

128 pages, full colour, hard cover coffee table book. Anticipated publication date: June 23/05


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