Feb. 13/05 - Another frosty but sunny morning in Nanoose. My Sunday golf was delayed for 2 hours which meant I could do a little birding at Dolphin Lake. I looked unsuccessfully for a Hutton's Vireo but did meet Mrs. Flicker who was busy working on her nest.

Feb. 14/05 - HAPPY VALENTINES! I offered to take my wife out to "CHA CHA's," her favorite coffee house in Parksville for Valentines coffee this morning. Too bad it was still cloudy on the way in as we had a fairly close up look at Colin's American Kestral (it's often by Colin's farm). On the way home, we checked Kaye Road for Sammy the Northern Shrike. I hadn't seen him since last spring, but he was finally there today.

MEET FIDEL KESTRAL - It was sunny in Parksville but cloudy in Nanoose, otherwise, we could have all enjoyed the brilliant colours of the male American Kestral. However, this is my best picture yet. Maybe next time.

SAMMY SHRIKE - Do Northern Shrikes hang out in the same place every year? I saw Sammy on Kaye Road last Feb. so in my usual delusional state, I'm assuming Sammy's back.

Feb. 14/05 - After lunch I had to go to the store so I took the long route around Schooner Cove. I couldn't resist checking out Schooner Rock and I'm glad I did as it was just a beautiful day to be outside and there were a few birds around.

BILLY BRANDT - This is the first Brandt's Cormorant I've seen this year. I wonder if their numbers are lower than the Double-crested and Pelagic or do they just prefer places I haven't visited?

PETER PELAGIC - Peter the Pelagic Cormorant was most cooperative with his offer to pose for the camera. Standing, take-off, and flying - thanks, Peter.

SUSIE SURFBIRD - Susie the Surfbird and her friends were enjoying the sunshine and taking advantage of the low tide to forage for food.

OTIS THE OTTER - Otis came along for a friendly Valentines visit, but for some reason, the Surfbirds didn't want to visit with Otis.