May 11/05 - As my focus is on other matters these days, I just thought I would empty my flash card and post a couple of pictures to create the illusion that I've been busy birding. Actually, I've made a few stops at my usual spots, but I haven't done any travelling for a long time. It must be getting close to twitching time. Is there a road to the Carmanah Lighthouse?
CROSSBILL CHRISTMAS TREE- I stopped yesterday at San Malo to see if any migrants had dropped in, but there wasn't much except a fly-by Snipe and a few Westerns. Just as I was leaving, Guy arrived and spotted some Red Crossbills. I had a good visit with him, and we both had good looks at the Crossbills.
THE SENTRY - Is the sentry the one that drew the short straw, or is it the designated male? All I know is that everyone else was having a good time eating.
Another one for the butterfly experts ...
ALMOST A GOOD SHOT - If I hadn't tripped and crashed and frightened the A. Goldfinch at Kaye Road today, I might have gotten the elusive perfect photo of him singing in the sunshine.
Coming soon - A GIFT OF NATURE - ISBN 0-9738161-0-4. 128 full colour pages of my best photos in a lovingly crafted hardcover book. Pre-publication special $25 plus shipping and handling.
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