Apr. 27, 2004

Hi Everybody,
A Marbled Godwit was spotted in the past week on the North Island and a Long-billed Curlew on the South. I wish I had seen either one of those rarities. However, like most of you, I was left to enjoy our local attractions, and not all of them were feathered.

There weren't too many birds available so anything that got in the way of my camera was fair game. Smile, deer.

Everybody appreciates wildflowers I hope.

Mallard flying south over Admiral's Lagoon. (Apr. 26)

Pintails flying north over Admiral's Lagoon. (Apr. 27)


There were White-crowned Sparrows everywhere I went this week. The one on the left had the short song and was at French Creek. The other had the long song and was at Columbia Beach. (Apr. 26)

Female Hooded Mergansers in French Creek - no males around. (Apr. 26)

Greater Yellowlegs at Admiral's Lagoon. (Apr. 26)

Spotted Towhee at Dolphin Lake. (Apr. 23)

House Finch at French Creek. (Apr. 26)

CATCHING UP WITH KATHY KILLDEER (Apr. 27/04 - Admiral's Lagoon)

"This is embarassing. I don't want my picture taken."

"Hey Mom, can I hide under you for awhile?"

"Kathy is going to sleep so you might as well leave."

[1]INDEX    [2]Mid-I HOTSPOTS     [3]Mid-I NEWS    [4]Mid-I RESOURCES    [5]GALLERY
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[16]JOURNAL 7    [17]JOURNAL 8    [18]JOURNAL 9
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