Hi Everybody,
This is not a journal entry. I am not supposed to be birding or working on my website for 2 weeks. This is a self-imposed hiatus to catch up on some chores and prepare for a short trip. However, cold-turkey is not my style so, if a bird just happens to come my way, or I just happen to be passing by a birding area, I am allowed a 10 minute stop.
Dolphin Lake just happens to be on my regular travel route. A quick stop for 10 minutes on Sat. (May 8) yielded 3 male Wood Ducks and 2 females.
Last year there was 1 breeding pair of Wood Ducks in Dolphin. Using a nest box, they successfully raised a family of 6 ducklings.
The Nanoose Naturalists put up a few more nest boxes this year so there may be more than one family on the way.
I usually carry my camera in my golf bag when I'm golfing. It finally paid off on Sunday when I found a Chipping Sparrow by the 6th green at Fairwinds.
I would have preferred to post the photo of the Trumpeter and Mute Swans together in Nanoose Bay, but they were too far away for a decent picture (too grainy). You'll have to settle for the Mute Swans at Fairwinds.
May is wild rose month.
I was having breakfast on Tue. morning when a Piliated Woodpecker popped up in front of me on my hummingbird feeder pole. It flew to a big fir and I was right behind with my camera.
May must also be Savannah month. They seem to be everywhere. On the way to town on Tue. I made the 10 minute stop at the San Malo Mud Flats and besides the Dunlin, Western Sandpipers, Least Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Long-billed Dowitchers, Mallards, American Widgeon, Gadwall, Common Mergansers, Northern Pintails, Merlin, Northern Shoveler, Barrow's Goldeneye, Brewer's Blackbirds, Northwestern Crows, and Killdeer, there were also Savannah Sparrows.
On Wed. (May 12) I made another 10 min. stop at San Malo. That lasted from 8:00 AM to 9:15 AM, but it was worth the overtime. In addition to what I saw yesterday, include Short-billed Dowitchers, Pectoral Sandpipers, and Semipalmated Sandpipers. I was amazed that the Pectoral Sandpipers landed right next to me while I was taking pictures of the Dowi's.
The Pectorals were definitely more interested in looking for breakfast than someone with a camera.
I'm not sure what the Pectorals eat. Is that chocolate fudge?
Even the Dowis were friendly as this one landed right beside the viewing stand where we were standing.
Your dog isn't the only one with problems. Maybe I should try Program.
I'm not having much luck with my break from birding.
Big Bird sp. at San Malo. Species identification assistance required.
A band of 5 merry Pacific Loon were cruising the waters off French Creek.
Chores still not done, but I'll be away for a week. Happy birding to all.